As the news reports and photos continue to stream across the internet and television screens, it is interesting to see the responses from people around the world. Following through part of the night via Twitter, it is obvious to me that millions of people are horrified by the shooting of Neda by the military thugs who are confronting the protesters in the streets ofTehran. This one terrible incident has galvanized people around the world, with the recognition that this is the ultimate fate of people who stand up to the terror that is possible in a country where the government has complete control. But why should we, as Americans, even care? Well, of course, anyone would care and be affected by pictures of a beautiful young woman shot to death (just about anyone, I mean) - but is there more to it than that?
Of course there is, and it is the longing in every human heart for freedom and liberty, and when we see the struggle of a repressed people, crying out for liberty, we are affected by that, as well. But why do we think that just by staying uninvolved and neutral at a time like this will keep US safe? People are people, and there will always be people, in every country of the world, who will murder, maim, torture, and destroy anyone and anything that gets in the way of their power grab. Why do we believe that simply by sitting down and chatting, or "playing fair" we will ever convince a maniac like Ahmadinejad to just "be nice." He will NOT be nice, because his agenda requires power. Human beings have been fighting, making war, killing one another, and doing horrific things to one another since the dawn of time. It does not matter one's religion in this scenario . . . . every religion has devotees who are just plain evil, and will perpetrate their evil deeds on innocent, peace-loving people if it achieves their goals.
I am not a particularly political person, but I realize that the blessings of peace and freedom that I enjoy every day (even in a terrible economy, trying to struggle through until we find another job) and are available to me, are not part of my life because we chatted with previous world thugs and convinced them to "play nice." Unfortunately, it doesn't work that way, and history has proven this over and over. Any normal person with a brain and a heart would prefer peace, hate war, and live a life of freedom . . . . it just doesn't work that way, because the world is full of those who take advantage of the ordinary people who just want to live their lives and not bother others. So, now a nation is revolting against the heavy hand of a tyrannt (or several, as it seems), and we should not be surprised that regular ol' folks eventually get fed up with repression and speak out. Even those who are not particularly political. Today my heart is filled with compassion and fear for the innocents in Iran, and my prayers are with them at the dawning of this new day. Stand for freedom, be willing to die for freedom, because it has never been free . . . . it is worth the fight.
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