I am so ready to get back on a schedule, on a healthy eating plan, and get caught up on the simple things such as house cleaning, laundry, grocery shopping, and bill paying. Well, not that those are my most favorite things to do with my time, but I always feel better when I know that those things are taken care of. The chaos and excitement of the holidays eventually just wear me out ;o) and I need "normal" - whatever that means!
One way that I want to try to be more productive this year is to set monthly, weekly, and daily goals. I know that I won't always accomplish everything that I strive for (I'm one of those mamas who typically put 20 things on my list, accomplish 19 of them, and then whine about the fact that I didn't finish that one, last thing on my list!) - so I am going to try to be realistic with my expectations. Reality tells me, however, that if I aim for nothing, I will always hit it!
So, with that in mind, I thought if I post my goals publicly, perhaps I will have more motivation for getting them accomplished. If you want to join me, post your weekly goals on your blog every Monday, and then stop back here and post your link. If we encourage and support one another, it might help us make great progress in 2010.
Here's the beginning of my list of goals for the new year:
* Organize all of my business "stuff" - although I'm a pretty organized person, this is one area where I haven't been as orderly as I need to be. I have everything I need . . . . . somewhere here in this file cabinet! I'm going to get it sorted, organized, labeled, and easily accessible so I can keep accurate records.
* Update all of my online venues and get my shops stocked. This has also been kind of a mess while I was working away from home, but now that I am working full-time from my home office, I have the time, energy, and determination to get all of this up-to-date.
* Set up a new marketing plan. Nothing elaborate, but I'm thinking about a once a month newsletter to all of my past customers, or something like that.
* Establish a plan for my projects. I've been just creating whatever seems to strike my fancy at any given moment. Now I have to decide which projects are priority, such as writing the new eBook that I've been planning for the past six months!
That's just a beginning . . . . so for this week I need to work on stocking my Etsy shop and editing all of my listings. Start the eBook, and work on the refashion project that I have waiting for me in the sewing studio. Oh . . . . that reminds me . . . . that will be part of the "Wardrobe Refashion" project that I'm participating in. I'll tell you more about that tomorrow! In the meantime, if you want to join me in getting motivated for the new year, just post your link and I'll stop by and cheer you on! Chat soon, Nina
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