I know now, Lord, why you utter no answer.
You are yourself the answer.
Before your face questions die away.
What other answer would suffice?~ C.S. Lewis ~
Such a profound yet simple observation . . . . we question, we wonder, we worry, we sometimes even collapse under the weight of our pain, and we cannot understand WHY we are experiencing the darkness and silence of our pain. Ultimately, there are many questions that will never be answered, but there is one truth that we can hold with certainty: He will never leave us nor forsake us. He is there, He is enough, and He cares about our heartache.
In the midst of my days of seemingless endless sorrow and shattered dreams, all of these questions, and more, were relentlessly screaming through my brain. Why, after praying for so many years and trying to do everything that it seemed God wanted me to do, it all still fell apart. I still don't know why, exactly, although I know there are times when, no matter how hard you try, no matter how much you pray, no matter how much you desperately want it all to be right, the conclusion of a matter is not about "me" as much as it is about the other people playing out the drama of my life.
And if those other people do not want it to be right, God allows us all to make our own choices and live with the consequences of those choices. But the pain is no less for knowing that. It is in those moments, when nothing makes sense, there are no answers for the chaos and tragedy that is swirling all around us, that we must hold on to this truth: "I will never leave you nor forsake you." He is there, and even though He does not remove all of our pain and struggles, He is always there to carry us through the darkness. He is enough. That is the answer when it appears there are no answers, humanly speaking. He, alone, is the answer to every question that ever can be asked, and truly in His presence all questions will disappear.
Hold on, no matter what is going on around you today. Sometimes that is all we can do is hold on, to Him, knowing that He hears, He cares, and He WILL uphold you in the midst of the raging floods of grief that we all must go through in our earthly lives. He is enough.
If you would like to participate in this week's In Other Words meme, please visit Jennifer at Scraps & Snippets where you will find links to the other participants' blogs and if you choose to write your thoughts on this quote, you can post your link there, too! Have a great Tuesday, walking in the light of His love! ~~ Nina
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