The last time I checked, Operation Pillowcase was working on the next batch of over 1,000 pillowcases to send to our troops in Afghanistan. So, I pulled out all of my patriotic-themed fabric (and a couple of other gender-neutral prints) and got started making a few pillowcases to send along to Debra Spincic. Debra is organizing a group of teams from across the country, and she keeps us up-to-date on the progress or reaching the current goal on her blog at Operation Pillowcase.
Well . . . . as soon as I got started on THAT project, my computer started acting up and there I was for about two weeks struggling with getting my other work done using the lap top. Which makes me crazy because I'm not used to it, and all of my "stuff" was on my regular computer. So, the pillowcase project sat on the ironing board for a couple of weeks before I thought of a solution to getting BOTH projects finished. My sweet mother-in-law has been a professional seamstress for most of her adult life. She was the manager of a bridal shop before she retired, and since that time she always has sewing projects to do for friends and neighbors . . . . and friends of friends and neighbors of neighbors.
I called her up and just ran the idea by her of taking the fabric that I already had and did she have time to whip up a few pillowcases? Well, of course she was delighted for the opportunity, especially because she has three grandsons who are in the military. She always amazes me, because when I decide to do a project like this I have to figure out when it will fit into my schedule of all things related to being a mama of two little girls, as well as working it into my writing and editing schedule. But I believe these kinds of projects are important, so I always think that I will, some how, fit it in between this or that. But with Grandma, I gave her the fabric on a Saturday and she had them finished by Tuesday.
I think I'll pull out some more fabric from my stash and send it on to Grandma so she can make up another batch of pillowcases! So, I'm just sayin' . . . . even if YOU don't have the time to make up a few pillowcases for our troops, perhaps you know someone who does have the time. Some grandmas are the kind who are looking for something like this to do. But then there are other grandmas (like me!) who already have more than enough projects to last for a lifetime. So wherever you are in life, see if this isn't a project that will either fit into your schedule or into the life of someone you love. Because doing something like this could be just what the dr. ordered! Please leave me a comment if you want to join Team Ruby and I'll put you on the list and send you my mailing address so you can send your pillowcases to me. I'll forward them on to Debra where they will be sent to Afghanistan. Thanks for caring!
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