You know, even though I don't always post my TO DO list here on Mondays like I had originally planned, I still HAVE a list . . . . . somewhere. Usually in my head. And, along with that list in my head are many well-intentioned plans. For instance, I had several blog posts planned (in my head) last week, but then I got busy with my newest project and the days just flew by! So, I thought I would share with you what is going on around here that has kept me from my blogging.
A few weeks ago I "accidentally" connected with one of the women who posted a comment here on my blog. We emailed back and forth a few times and I sent her one of the ebooks that I was offering to my readers. Then we started talking about different things, such as the "Wardrobe Refashion" website, and then I discovered that she had started a website where you could purchase eBook patterns for quilts and other kinds of crafts / projects. Well, of course then we talked about having some of my eBook patterns on that site . . . . and then one thing led to another, and I found out that she also had an online women's magazine. She was the Editor-in-Chief and had several other editors / writers, but she needed some help with marketing the magazine.
The magazine is called Ruby for Women, and has been around for about a year. There are six issues per year and they are available through a subscription, or can be purchased as single issues. That sounded like a fun project that would get me connected with other women who share common interests, and I also have had many opportunities to learn a little bit about online marketing . . . . . so that's what we decided to do! But then, suddenly, everything sort of got kind of mixed up when she emailed me and told me that she could no longer continue on as Editor-in-Chief and was wondering if I would consider helping out with the WHOLE project! Well, I had to think about that - but since I do LOVE to write and create, and work with other women, I decided that this just might be what God has for me right now.
I've been working from home since October, and my online adventures are doing quite well. But here is another avenue for me to pursue in following my dream of working right here at home. These girls really need me! Of course, they need their mama ;o) But we are working on reading and math basics, and that really requires my attention in the afternoons. Working away from home is just not for me (if I can avoid it - and still find a way to help out financially around here!).
The next issue of Ruby for Women is in the final stages of editing and will be available next week. I will post a link here so you can see what I've been up to for the past several weeks. But I am not going to stop writing my eBooks! I've got several planned and ready to put together. As soon as this next issue of Ruby is out the door, I'll be back to the eBook writing project. And I'll definitely share some of my new creations with you all! Thank you so much for your continued support. I've been so encouraged by the response I always get to my new designs.
I will be posting the tutorial for doing a gathering thread with a zig-zag stitch either later this week or next week . .. . .I promise! Sometimes it takes me a bit longer to get all these little projects finished than I anticipate - I guess some days I still think I'm Wonder Woman ;o) But eventually I do get them finished! So, for now, maybe take a peek at the Ruby for Women blog that will be updated with additional projects, give-aways, challenges, and other opportunities for you to share your crafty little self! And one more thing . . . . . if you have a poem, or an idea or something you would like to share with me for the Summer issue of Ruby for Women, just leave me a comment. Let's chat about it! Have a happy Monday, Nina
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