We are back from roller skating and no one has a broken leg or arm or anything else! The girls did great for their first time skating, and they LOVE it so I can see that we will be going back again very soon. This is a really great skating rink . . . . well, it is if you are into old-fashioned, 50s style places with fun music and vintage charm ;o) It was just like some of the skating rinks I went to as a kid, so you know it really is old-fashioned! Hope to get some work done yet tonight in the studio since Our Daddy is here to put the new puzzle together with the girls. It is OK for Mama to sneak away for some creative time, isn't it??? Now the question is: which of the hundreds of projects in my head should I work on first? Taking suggestions. . . . .
I well remember the days of going skating with our Church CYC and I can almost hear the music playing as I flash back in my mind....I'm not sure that I would walk out without some sort of ache or pain now....LOL
I'm sure whichever project that you choose you will do wonderfully! I can hardly wait to see it....
Posted by: Sheila | December 29, 2009 at 06:04 PM