"Martha was busy for Jesus, and that left her too busy to be with Jesus."
~ John Walker, Growing with Purpose: Connecting with God Every Day
This story has always been so intriguing to me . . . . and it makes so much sense, when you think about how we can and should have our relationship with the Lord as our primary focus. I have often thought about this while running around like a beheaded chicken, trying to make sure that the laundry is finished, the house isn't totally trashed, the kids get to school on time (or even earlier in my life, making sure that the babies are fed, bathed, clothed, rocked, cuddled, played with, and safely sleeping in their crib with clean sheets and a dry diaper) - and paying the bills, cooking supper, helping out at school, teaching Sunday School class, leading a women's Bible study, teaching my children manners and responsibility, car pooling the kids to lessons and athletic practice, occasionally taking a shower and putting on clean clothes, dropping off the dry-cleaning, doing the banking, taking kids to the dentist, doctor, orthodontist, or for a hair cut. OK, I guess that's enough reminiscing, it's making me tired.
But, maybe that's the reason I definitely have ambivalent feelings about this story. And perhaps I should not even go there today, but I'll try to do so with as much gentleness and honesty as I can possibly gather up, in my current state of exhaustion. Of course, this is a wonderful story and an excellent example of how we should all try to remember and practice the MOST important aspect of our life: our relationship with God. However, (I speak with great fear and trepidation . . . . ) I've been a Christian, a mom, a wife, a mother, a WOMAN long enough to know, that . . .. . well, here goes . .. . taking care of others and meeting their needs is one of the tasks in life that we, as women, do very well. And in many homes, we have chosen to devote our life to those tasks that do, in fact, take a great deal of time, energy, and focus. So, that is why, I believe, that this is such a difficult thing for us to implement in our lives. Not because we don't want to . . . . but I've frequently been torn between dealing with a sick, crying child at 3:00 a.m. and then also having enough time and energy to devote to quietly listening to the voice of God in the silence of my little corner of the world. Because it is rarely silent.
I guess what I'm saying is that this is definitely a worthy goal for our lives as women. But I also notice that it is usually a man who makes this observation and suggests that we, as women, ought to figure out how to do it. And I also am very well aware of how we wrestle with guilt when we can't "do it all." Including all of the above-mentioned responsibilities, and more, and STILL be able to sit at the feet of Jesus. I'm still trying, believe me, but I believe that the tasks that God has given me, in caring for my family, IS being with Jesus. Even though it is seldom quiet. He is there, even in the midst of the crazyness that is "Life as a Mother." I'm trying to be like Mary, but most days I need to be encouraged in my "Martha" job that God has given me. After all, someone has to take care of all that stuff!
Since I"ve been doing this for a pretty long time, I've finally reached a place of peace with this whole issue. When I am living in obedience to God, I'm sure that He will provide the time I need to be WITH Him, even while I am living out my daily calling as a wife and mother. It's not about guilt. I believe it is about valuing that relationship with the Lord, even if mine sometimes looks a bit more like Martha than Mary. But I'll keep working on it, and one day, when the babies are all grown-up and there is silence in my home, I know I will then have all the time I need to be with Jesus . . .. not just flying from one activity to another, taking care of those pesky little responsibilities that He gave me called "children," while mumbling my morning prayers behind the steering wheel of my car on the way to the post office . . . . . to pay the bills.
Please visit Debbie at Heart Choices to find the links to the rest of this week's IOW participants, and please join us by sharing your thoughts on this intriguing quote.
I love to read different perspectives on our weekly quote. So I welcome this one too.
I believe that we go through seasons in life. If you have small children, you may only have 5 minutes in the morning or when the children are hopefully napping. It's different when we are empty nesters and have more control over how we spend our day. The Lord knows each of our hearts too. If we are doing it out of duty and not love, it not good.
Thank you for your take on this quote. I really appreciated it.
Posted by: Debbie | December 01, 2009 at 02:16 PM
I had ambivalent feelings too about this topic -- but it is a WONDERFUL story of the life and calling of the Christian. A time of redemption -- as we search our own lives and apply the words of Jesus. How perfect a meditation as we enter the CHRISTMAS season.
Sometimes the "pesky little responsibilites" are the greatest moments in which to go into split-personality mode and be MARY!
"Don't underestimate the value of Doing Nothing, of just going along,listening to all the things you can't hear, and not bothering."
~Winnie the Pooh
...(I have to tell you, that DuploLego thing that keeps popping up full-screen and blocking your blog is really annoying! hahahah!)
Posted by: Esthermay | December 01, 2009 at 03:07 PM
It's true that this is a hard principle to implement as a woman. I'm guessing that's why it was written about a woman. We can all relate. Of course we have to meet the responsibilities God has given us, but somehow we need to keep Him as our focus above all other things. It seems impossible at times, doesn't it? Thanks for your honesty.
Posted by: Sharlyn Guthrie | December 01, 2009 at 09:15 PM
I enjoyed your perspective on this very much. It reminded me of once during a Bible study when I said I'd "given up my quiet time." I often resort to doing Bible study/devotions at the dining room table in the middle of the chaos.. I think thats the trick for me. To not wait till it's perfect...
Posted by: Kathryn@ Expectant Hearts | December 02, 2009 at 01:57 AM