Even when everyone else seems to be seeking the newest, the latest, the most technologically advanced gifts to give or to buy for themselves, I have just always loved the look of romantic, feminine, even "old-fashioned" clothing. Perhaps that is why I love vintage stuff so much!
Here's an idea that might help minimize the stress of the holidays for you . .. . think back to what you know from your own life or people, places, and times past that you have read about. Think about the ways that people celebrated the holidays during the early days of our country. Or read about holiday celebrations during the Great Depression. Or even learn about how families celebrated the holidays during the 1940s and World War II. Or any other period of time when life might have been a bit less obsessed with qualtity of stuff = happiness.
At our house, we love to read the Little House book series. And of course, so many of us have watched that series on TV. But I am always struck by the simplicity of many aspects of their lives. Of course, Pa always had to go out hunting and hope to bring home some venison during the Long Winter. And Ma always had to bake the bread and salt the pork, and hang the squash and onions from the attic rafters. I'm not suggesting that this life was EASY! But when we read about Laura and Mary, and little Carrie playing with their corn-cob dolls and being thrilled to get a stick of peppermint candy and an orange in the Christmas stocking . ... . . well, it just makes me wonder how we got to be so focused on material possessions that we sometimes miss the really important stuff in life.
So - if you are struggling with anxiety over how you will ever provide a "nice" Christmas for your family this year . . . . remember that the holidays can be enjoyed with a little bit less "stuff," and our children can learn to appreciate even the small wonders and treasures of the holidays. They'll live through it, and they will probably even remember these days as some of the happiest they can remember, because we were more focused on each other than on the frantic, crazy, chaotic frenzy of holiday shopping.
It is OK to slow down, enjoy today, bake cookies and string popcorn for your Christmas tree, make a few hand-crafted holiday cards to send to your loved ones who are far away, or an handmade book mark for Grandma . . . . . maybe even take a break from the baking to make a sweet little holiday apron for you, your kids, your mom, your grandma, whoever!Later this week I will be posting a FREE tutorial for making a simple holiday table runner that you can whip up in an afternoon to dress up your table in holiday style! So many fun things to do, let's not wear ourselves out stressing about things we can't change, and let's enjoy the holiday season (even if we don't have all the STUFF that we want!). You'll be glad you did ;o)
PS Here are a couple new listings of classic and vintage items in my Etsy shop, Gossamer Wings Studio. In keeping with the spirit of an old-fashioned, simple Christmas this year, I'm buying vintage whenever I can, and regifting or recycling other items. Really . . . . who needs MORE stuff???? So if you are interested in dressing up for the holidays, on a budget, and if you love old-fashioned, vintage clothing, please visit my shop! Have a wonderful Cyber Monday! Just be careful to keep it simple, silly ;o)
That apron is adorable!!
Posted by: Alix | November 30, 2009 at 05:58 PM
Well said and I agree with you! Less is more! Cute apron by the way!
Posted by: Annette | November 30, 2009 at 06:13 PM
That's some wisdom to search for older things - you never know you could find something that appraises wonderfully high-priced one day :) I'm all for vintage - it ROCKS!
Posted by: 31everything.com | November 30, 2009 at 06:13 PM
What an awesome write up! I really needed to read that - I agree - simple is better! Thank you for sharing
Posted by: Karen | November 30, 2009 at 06:24 PM