“Give yourself permission not to know and be satisfied knowing the One who does.” ~ by Joyce Meyer, “I Dare You" How many times have I heard messages about how we should be willing to do whatever God gives us to do in our lives. And to do it with all of our heart and strength. Along with the willingness must come wisdom, however, because sometimes the "thing" right in front of us looks so "right" and so "good," but it isn't always the "best." And it is often difficult to determine what we should be doing with our life. How many times have I said (to myself or out loud to whomever I was talking to at the time), "I'd be happy to do whatever it is that I am supposed to be doing, if I just had a clue!" I've committed in my heart to be willing, but when I can't figure out what it is that I'm supposed to be willing to do, I get a bit frustrated. So where did I get the idea that all of this would be perfectly, crystal-clear anyway? Well, I guess it has just always sounded to me like all I needed was a willing heart, and the rest would just happen. And eventually it does, but it is the journey from here to there that seems a bit treacherous. I guess I always felt just a little bit of a failure when I struggled through days, weeks, or months wondering - and wandering - trying to see through the haze of uncertainty and figure out if I was on the right path. This quote gave me such a sense of a burden being lifted from my heart. I felt the freedom to "give myself permission" not to know. That it is OK not to know always what the next step is, or where the journey will take me. It is enough to know the One who is still in control of every event in my life. Perhaps I'm too committed to "getting it right," even when I have no idea what "right" is in any given situation. Of course, I'm not talking about "not knowing" about things that are clearly addressed in Scripture . . . . but, for instance, when we were considering adopting our daughters. We were both in our mid-forties at the time, and it definitely wasn't something that "everyone else" was doing. So, that wasn't the motivation that seemed to keep us moving in the direction of adoption. And even when we had Christian friends and family wonder if we had lost all touch with reality ;o) we still felt compelled to pursue this path. And, as it turned out, God showed us over and over again His grace and goodness through the gifts and prayers of those who have a heart for orphans. Eventually we knew what we were supposed to be doing, but in the beginning, it was not clear at all. I've experienced enough of life to know (in my head) that God is completely sovereign and in control of all things . . . . but it is difficult getting it settled in my heart that there isn't anything else that I need to DO, but just trust, keep moving forward, and know that if I am going in the wrong direction, He is wise enough and strong enough and loving enough to let me know. That's what I have to be listening for - His voice. It is enough to know that He knows - and I now give myself permission not to know! As it turns out, I chose this quote several weeks ago when I came across it in the book that we were studying in our Sunday School class. But right now, TODAY, this week, we are in the midst of needing to make some decisions and choices that will affect our life in a significant way. And the pathway does not seem at all clear. I was wasting too much time and energy worrying about what we should do, until I remembered that this was my week to be the IOW hostess, and I reread the quote . . . . . and it was such a powerful reminder that I need to trust. Even when I don't know. Because He does, and is, and forever will be. I am blessed! Thank you for stopping by this week and sharing in the IOW weekly words of inspiration. Please take a minute and visit some of the other women who have posted their thoughts on this quote for this week. But be sure to let me know you stopped by first! Have a blessed week, knowing that He's got it all under control so we can just keep moving forward, and stop worrying about what is around the next bend in the road.
A couple of weeks ago when I was updating the IOW page, I really did not know how I'd write on it - but it's life experiences that writes it. Thank you for sharing this quote. It's a good one to contemplate.
Posted by: Loni | April 21, 2009 at 12:25 AM
Yes. I’ve many friends too who think I’ve lost touch with reality considering the choices I’ve made! HA! It is only by trust in a sovereign God (you are right!) that we step out in faith in things that others would take far more time “researching.”
I think having little ones around who so perfectly illustrate “childlike faith” serves as a real faith booster in my own life. They have ABSOLUTE confidence and devotion in and to their Daddy. In turn, they are teaching ME to have absolute confidence and devotion in and to our Sovereign GOD.
This was a great quote. I could have gone so many ways with it myself. I will enjoy visiting others tomorrow – hoping to read some wonderful testimonies of faith. Yours is a wonderful way to end my day here.
Posted by: Esthermay | April 21, 2009 at 12:40 AM
Thanks for hosting IOW today. Great quote!
Posted by: Deborah Shank | April 21, 2009 at 08:29 AM
That was good. Your title alone says it all, "I'm clueless and its okay." We don't need all the answers especially the ones other people think we should have. What we need is faith in the one who has all the answers.
Posted by: Karen Gillett | April 21, 2009 at 09:19 AM
Trusting God is definitely liberating. I love knowing that I don't have to know it all and that I can trust the One who does. Great quote to ponder and write on. Thanks for sharing!
Posted by: Laurie Ann | April 21, 2009 at 10:00 AM
What an amazing post. And what an amazing God to have us prepare our own answers weeks in advance. Praying you find the direction you need, but more importantly praying you find the peace of trust in the meantime. Blessings on your week.
Posted by: Miriam Pauline | April 21, 2009 at 10:11 AM
How interesting is this? First of all, I wrote a IOWT post last evening and scheduled it to be published this morning. Now, I remembered to stop by and begin reading other posts from participating bloggers.
As I was reading yours, I was thinking of walking by faith. We don't have all of the information mapped out for once in advance. But that teaches us to learn to trust the One who is trustworthy and knows ALL; the Lord. In my quiet time earlier, the Lord showed me that one of my major problems is ...trust.
I find that I can put up walls to try to protect myself because of distrust. But my relationship with the Lord needs to be different because He is trustworthy and has my BEST interests at heart. Thank you for hosting, sharing and giving an example with your adoptions.
Posted by: Debbie | April 21, 2009 at 10:30 AM
Hmmm...now I wonder who really chose today's quote. LOL. I'm thinking there just may have been some divine intervention. Thank you for sharing how God has used this in a very real and practical and current way in your life. your words blessed me.
Posted by: Sharlyn Guthrie | April 21, 2009 at 12:32 PM
Thanks for the quote and for sharing God's work in your week. Trusting Him with your decisions and choices, as you move forward in faith leading to "His significant way"!
Blessings to your week
peace & grace
Posted by: Carolyn | April 21, 2009 at 02:44 PM
Thank you for sharing this quote today. Being fairly newly widowed there are so many decisions I have to make and it is difficult knowing the mind of God in some of them. It helps to know that I don't always need to know because He does.
Posted by: Patricia | April 21, 2009 at 04:36 PM